Professor José Faur

Rabbinic Titles and Ordinations

1. Yore, Yore
ר' סולימאן חוגי עבודי
אב בית דין ירושלים,
תשכ"ג (1963)
חותמים נוספים:
ר' עובדיה הדייה,
ר' יעקב עדס הדס,
ר' עזרא עטייה

2. Dayyanut, Eben ha-‘Ezer (Family Law):
R. Matloub Abadi

3. Community Rabbi:
Asociación Comunidad Israelita de Flores 
ר' אהרן יוסף כהן (חבר בית הדין הספרדי של ר' דוד שאול סתהון)

4. Dayyanut, Hoshen Mishpat
ר' סולימאן חוגי עבודי
אב בית דין ירושלים,
תשכ"ח (1968)


Present Title

Professor Emeritus, Law School, Netanya Academic College, Netanya, Israel.


Previous Positions

Law Professor, Law School, Netanya Academic College, Netanya, Israel.
Director, Merkaz ha-Shalom wu-Moreshet Israel
Part-Time: Talmud Professor, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel


Educational Background

University: University of Barcelona
First and Second Degrees: 1956-1961
Degrees: B.A. and M.A.
Department: Semitic Philology
Specialization: Semitic Languages
Title of Thesis: "La Espiritualidad Judia"
Supervisor: Millas Valicrosa
Date Awarded Degree: 26/06/1962



University: University of Barcelona
Years of Graduate Study: 1961-1964
Degree: Ph.D.
Department: Semitic Philology
Specialization: Semitic Languages
Title of Thesis: The Masorah to the Targum Onqelos
Supervisor: Alejandro Diez-Macho
Date Awarded Degree: 08/08/1964



Post-Doctorate Fellowship: JTS under the supervision of Professor Saul Lieberman



1976: Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture
Name of Project: “Lessons for our Day from Sephardic Halakhic Sources”

1983-1986: Comité Hispano Norteamericano para Asuntos Educativos y Culturales
Name of Project: “Hebraismo hispanico: Legado historico literario de los judios espanoles.”

1984: American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia
Name of Project: “Freedom and Language”

1986: Alexander Kohut Foundation of the American Academy for Jewish Research
Name of Project: “Semiotics and Textuality in Rabbinic Tradition”

1990-1993: Sephardic Heritage Foundation
Name of Project: “Sephardic Culture and Tradition


International Seminars and Conferences

Dr. Angel Saenz-Badillos, University of Granada,
Dr. Carlos Carrete Parrondo, Universidad Pontifical de Salamanca
Name of Project: “Legado historico literario de los judios espanoles”


Academic Positions

Date:   1996-2007
Institution:   Netanya Law School
Title:   Law Professor
Date:   1994-2003 (part-time)
Institution:   Bar-Ilan University
Title:   Talmud Professor
Date:   1987-1993
Institution:   Spertus College (Chicago, IL)
Title:   Ezra Sensibar Professor
Date:   1978-1985
Institution:   Graduate Rabbinical School, JTS
Title:   Professor, Rabbinic Literature
Date:   1970-1978
Institution:   Graduate Rabbinical School, JTS
Title:   Associate Professor
Date:   1968-1970
Institution:   Graduate Rabbinical School, JTS
Title:   Lecturer
Date:   1967-1968
Institution:   School of Judaica, JTS
Title:   Lecturer




  1. La Espiritualidad Judía (Universidad Pontifical de Salamanca, 1960)
  2. Studies in the Mishne Tora (Heb) (Jerusalem: Mossad Harav Kook, 1978)
  3. R. Israel Moshe Hazzan: The Man and His Words(Heb) (Haifa: Academic Publications, 1977)
  4. Golden Doves With Silver Dots: Textuality in Rabbinic Tradition (Bloomington Indiana: Indiana University Press, 1986), 2nd edition: (Atlanta, Georgia: Scholars Press, 1999). Translation into Serbian, by Ermoza Bahar, Zlatne Golubice sa Srebrnim Tackama (Zemun: Knjizevno Drustvo Pismo, 2002)
  5. In the Shadow of History: Iberian Jews and Conversos at the Dawn of Modernity (Albany: SUNY, 1992)
  6. Homo Mysticus: A Guide To Maimonides's Guide for the Perplexed (Syracuse, N.Y.: Syracuse University Press, 1998)
  7. The Horizontal Society: Understanding the Covenant and Alphabetic Judaism, 2 vols. (Boston: Academic Studies Press, 2008)
  8. The Naked Crowd: The Jewish Alternative to Cunning Humanity, (New Jersey: Derusha Publishing LLC, 2009)



  1. “Alepo, Códice de,” Enciclopedia de la Biblia, Vol. 1 (Barcelona, 1961), 321-332.
  2. “Hilkhot Shehita le-Rab Yehudai Gaon,” Talpioth 9 (1965),  194-217.
  3. “Tosafot Ha-Rosh le Pereq Ha-Maddir,” Sinai 57 (1965), 18-42.
  4. “Tosafot Ha-Rosh le-Massekhet Berakhot,” Proceedings of the American Academy for Jewish Research 33 (1965), 1-25.
  5. “Samkhut Maran esel ha-Posqim ha-Sefaradim,” Sinai 59 (1966) 159-166.
  6. “Hilufe Otiyot Alef be-Yod ba-masora le-Targum Onqelos,” Peraqim 4 (1966), 93-97.
  7. “Ha-Messora le-Targum Onqelos,” Sinai 60 (1967), 17-28.
  8. “Reshima meha-Otiyot ha-Gedolot veha-Qetanot sheba-Miqra meha-Geniza ha-Qahirit,” Proceedings of the American Academy for Jewish Research 35, (1967), 1-10.
  9. “Hiddushim le-Seder Zera‘im me-Ketibat Yad ha-Rab Mordekhai Romano,” Sinai 60, (1967), 218-224.
  10. “La doctrina de la ley natural en el pensamiento Judío del medioevo,” Sefarad 27 (1967), 218-224.
  11. “Understanding the Covenant,” Tradition 9 (1968), 33-55.
  12. “‘Iyyunim be-Hilkhot Teshuba le-Harambam,” Sinai 61 (1969), 259-266.
  13. “Meqor Hiyyuban shel ha-Misvot le-Da‘at ha-Rambam,” Tarbiz  29 (1969), 42-53.
  14. “The Origin of the Distinction between Rational and Divine Commandments in Medieval Jewish Philosophy,” Augustinaum 9 (1969), 298-304.
  15. “Yahas Hakhme ha-Sefaradim le-Samkhut Maran ke-Poseq,” Rabbi Yosef Caro (Jerusalem: Mossad Harav Kook, 1970),  pp. 189-197.
  16. “Reflections on Job and Situation Morality,” Judaism (1970), 219-225.
  17. “Ha-‘Aboda Zara ba-Miqra le-Or ha-meqorot ha-Eliliyim," Hagut ‘Ibrit be-America vol. 1 (Tel Aviv: Berit ‘Ibrit ‘Olamit, 1972),  pp. 87-100.
  18. “De-Oraita, de-Rabbanan ve-Dinim Muflaim be-Mishnato shel ha-Rambam, Sinai  67 (1972), 20-35.
  19. “The Sepharadim: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow,” The Sephardic World (Summer 1972), 5-9.
  20. “Law and Justice in Rabbinic Jurisprudence,” Samuel K. Mirsky Memorial Volume (New York: Yeshiva University, 1972), pp. 13-20.
  21. “A Sense of Language,” The Sephardic World (Winter 1973), 25-31.
  22. “Intuitive Knowledge of God: A Study in Intercultural Ideas between Islam, Karaism, and Rabbanaite Judaism,” Ben Zvi Institute (Jerusalem, 1974).
  23. “Introducing the Materials of Sephardic Culture to Contemporary Jewish Studies,” American Jewish Historical Quarterly 63 (1974), 340-349.
  24. “Hora’at Ha-Miqra ba-Qehilot Ha-Sefardiyot,” Sheviley Hahinuch 35 (1974), 42-46.
  25. “R. Yisrael Moshe Hazzan,” Ha-Doar 54 (1975), 189-192.
  26. “Abraham de Boton,” Ha-Doar 54 (1975), 266.
  27. “Ma Ben Hamor Ze Le-Hamor Ha-Hu,” Sinai 76 (1975), 189-192.
  28. “Hora’at Ha-Talmud Ba-Massoret Ha-Hinukhit Ha-Sefardit,” Sheviley Hahinuch 35 (1975) 177-188.
  29. “Idolatry,” Encyclopaedia Judaica 8 (1973), 1227-1232.  Reprinted in Jewish Values (Israel Pocket Library, 1974), 52-60.
  30. “The Legal Thinking of the Tosafot,” Dine Israel  6 (1975), 43-72.
  31. “Sefer Ha-Yobel Li-khbod Professor Baron: Heleq Ha-‘Ibri,” Ha-Doar  54 (1975), 511-512.
  32. “Sefer Ha-Yobel Li-khbod Professor Baron: Heleq Ha-Lo‘azi,” Ha-Doar  54 (1975), 567-568.
  33. “Early Zionist Ideals Among Sepharadim in the Nineteenth Century,” Judaism 25 (1976), 54-64.
  34. “The Targumim and Halakha,” Jewish Quarterly Review 66 (1976), 19-26.
  35. “Tehiyat Ha-Lashon Ha-‘Ibrit esel Ha-Yehudim Ha-Sefaradim,” Ha-Doar  55 (1976), 56-57.
  36. “The Character of the Sephardic Culture,” Jewish Spectator (Spring 1976), 33-35.
  37. “Some General Observations on the Character of Classical Jewish Literature,” Journal of Jewish Studies 28 (1977), 30-45.
  38. “Sephardim in the XIXth Century: New Directions and Old Values,” Proceedings of the American Academy for Jewish Research  44 (1977), 29-52.
  39. “Intuitive Knowledge of God in Medieval Jewish Theology,” Jewish Quarterly Review 67 (1976-1977), 90-110.
  40. “Sekhar Ha-Rofe Ba-Halakha,” Dine Israel 7 (1977), 1-25. Reprinted in French: “Le droit du medecin de percevoir un salaire dans la tradition juive, ”  Pardes, 8 (1988), 73-92.
  41. “Vico, Religious Humanism and the Sephardic Tradition,” Judaism  27 (1978), 63-71. Spanish translation in: “Vico el Humanismo Religioso y la Tradición Sefardita,” Cuadernos sobre Vico 7 (1997), 255-264.
  42. “Lessons for our day from Sephardic Halakhic Sources,” Proceedings of the Rabbinical Assembly  1978 , 57-73. Translated in Italian: “Lezioni per il Nostro Tempo dalle Fonti Halachiche Sefardite,” Rassegna Mensile di Israel, 1983 (August), 581-600.
  43. “The Bilical Idea of Idolatry,” Jewish Quarterly Review 69 (1978), 1-26.
  44. “The Hebrew Personal Pronoun,” Perspectives on Jews and Judaism (New York: Rabbinical Assembly, (1979), pp. 45-59.
  45. “The Inclusion of a Sefardi Dimension in American Jewish Education,” Annual Workshop on New Directions in Jewish Education (Proceedings: March 13, 1971). Enlarged Version in ed. Jane S. Gerber, Sephardic Studies in the University (Madison, N. J.: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1996), pp. 19-28.
  46. “On Studying Torah: An Apology,” Ikka D’Amre 7 (May 1979), 12-18.
  47. “The Third Person in Semitic Grammatical Theory and General Linguistics,” Linguistica Biblica, Bonn, 46 (1979), 106-113.
  48. “The Fundamental Principles of Jewish Jurisprudence,” The Journal of International Law and Politics, New York University, 12 (1979).
  49. “Beyond Ordination: The Procedural Aspects,” Sh'ma (Feb. 1980).
  50. “Yahas Megurashe Sefarad vese’esa’ehem le-mosdot Hinnukh,'" Shebet Va ‘am (1980), 319-339.
  51. “Le Penseé Sepharade Moderne: Humanisme Religieux et Sionisme,” Les Temps Modernes Paris (1980), 131-145.
  52. “Monotheism and Magic,” Midstream Aug./Sept., 1980, 54-57.
  53. “Modern Sephardic Thought: Religious Humanism and Zionism,”The Sephardi and Oriental Jewish Heritage (1982), pp. 325-349.
  54. “Maimonides on Freedom and Language,” Helios  9 (1982), 73-94.
  55. “David Nassy: on Prejudice and Related Matters,” Neveh Ya‘akov, Jubilee Volume Presented to Dr. Jaap Meijer (The Netherlands: Van Gorcum, 1982), pp. 87-116.
  56. “Freedom and Linguistic Expression in Maimonides,” Semiotica 46 (1983), 61-77.
  57. “El Antisemitismo en la Mente Sefaradí,” Rassegna Mensile di Israel 1983 (August), 394-418.
  58. “The Splitting of the Logos: Some Remarks on Vico and Rabbinic Tradition,” New Vico Studies  3 (1985), 85-103. Reprinted in: Salvación en la Palabra:  Homenaje al Profesor Alejandro Díez Macho (Madrid: Ediciones Cristiandad, 1985), 717-733. Spanish translation: “La Ruptura del Logos: Algunas Observaciones sobre Vico y la Tradición Rabínica,” Cuadernos sobre Vico 7 (1997), pp. 265-278.
  59. “Delocutive Expressions in the Hebrew Liturgy,” Ancient Studies in Memory of Elias Bickerman (The Journal of the Ancient Near Eastern Society)  16-17 (1984-1985), pp. 41-54.
  60. ‘Aliyyat Qatan li-Qro ba-Tora,” Studies in Memory of the Rishon le-Zion R. Y. Nissim, vol. 1 (Jerusalem: Yad ha-Rab Nissim, 57545/1985).
  61. “La guida degli smarriti: che cosa significa?” La Rassegna Mensile di Israel 52 (1986), 230-232.
  62. “Safeq Berakhot le-Haqel: Kelal she-Teba‘a Ha-Rambam,” Asufot 1 (1987), pp. 343-359.
  63. “Reading Jewish Texts with Greek Eyes,” Sh'ma 18/342 (November 27, 1987), 10-12.
  64. “Francisco Sánchez’s Theory of Cognition and Vico's verum/factum,” New Vico Studies 5 (1987), 131-146. Spanish translation: “La Teoría del Conocimiento de Francisco Sánchez y el verum/factum de Vico,” Cuadernos Sobre Vico 4 (1994), pp. 83-99.
  65. “Tefillot Keneged Temidim Tiqqenum le-Da‘at Ha-Rambam,” Asufot 2 (1988), 157-176.
  66. “Concerning the Term ‘Qore be-Iiggeret’" (Heb), Alei Sefer 15 (1988-89), 21-30.
  67. “God as a Writer: Omnipresence and the Art of Dissimulation,” Religion and Intellectual Life 6 (1989), 31-43. Translated to Slavic: in Mezuza, Vol. 55 (Piograd: June 1998), 111-124.
  68. “Ha-Sugya ha-Kefula: le-Bi’ur ha-Sugya ha-Rishona be-Massekhet Shabbat,” Asufot 3 (1989), 467-473.
  69. “De-authorization of the Law: Paul and the Oedipal Model,”  Journal of Psychiatry and the Humanities 11 (1989), 222-243. Translated into French: “Délégitimation de la Loi: Paul et le modèle oedipien,” Pardès 27 (1999), 159-181.
  70. “Four Classes of Conversos: A Typological Study,” Revue des Etudes Juives 149 (1990), 26-34.
  71. “Person and Subjectivity: A Linguistic Category,” Mentalities 6 (1990), 15-18.
  72. “Signon ha-Mishna ve-ha-Shinnun be-‘al-pe,” Asufot 4 (1990), 12-31.
  73. “Newton, Maimonides, and Esoteric Knowledge,” Cross Currents: Religious & Intellectual Life 8 (1990), 526-538.
  74. “Jewish and Western Historiographies: A Post-Modern Interpretation,”  Modern Judaism 12 (1992), 23-27.
  75. “The Jewish Mentality of Francisco Sánchez," Mentalities 7, (1992), 26-38.
  76. “Correlations: The Iberian and German Experiences,” Midstream June-July, 1992, 20-22.
  77. “Two Models of Jewish Spirituality,” Shofar 10 (1992), 5-46.
  78. Leishev ba-Sukkah: Between Ashkenaz and Sepharad,” Rabbinics Today 1 (October 1992), 5, 8.
  79. “Texte et société: histoire sociale du texte revele, ” ed. Shmuel Trigano, La Société Juive a Travers les Ages vol. 1 (Paris: Librairie Fayard, 1992), pp. 43-113; notes pp. 691-705.
  80. “Imagination and Religious Pluralism: Maimonides, ibn Verga, and Vico,” New Vico Studies 10 (1992), 36-51.
  81. “The Limits of Readerly Collusion in Rabbinic Tradition,” Soundings 56 (1993), 153-161.
  82. “Law and Hermeneutics in Rabbinic Jurisprudence: A Maimonidean Perspective,” Cardozo Law Review 14 (1993), 1657-1679.
  83. “Judaism and Monolingualism,” Cardozo Law Review 14 (1993), 1713-1744.
  84. “Maimonides on Imagination: Towards a Theory of Jewish Aesthetics,”  The Solomon Goldman Lectures (The Spertus College of Judaica Press) 6 (1993), 89-104.
  85. “Sánchez’ Critique of Authoritas: Converso Skepticism and the Emergence of Radical Hermeneutics,” in ed. Peter Ochs, The Return to Scripture in Judaism and Christianity (New York:  Paulist Press, 1993), pp. 256-276.
  86. “Maimonides’ Water-Clock and its Epistemological Implications: Sánchez’s modus sciendi and Vico’s verum-factum,” Jewish Responses to Early Modern Science (The Van Leer Institute, Jerusalem, May 15-18, 1995), pp. 176-185.
  87. “ ‘Al Girsa Ahat le-Masekhet Nidda Mi-Tqufat ha-Sbora’im,” Tarbiz 65 (1996), 721 – 728.
  88. “The Character of Apophatic Knowledge in Maimonides’ Guide,” in ed. Dan Cohn-Sherbok Theodicy (Lewiston, New York: The Edwin Mellen Press, 1997), pp.65-74.
  89. “A Crisis of Categories: Kabalah and the rise of Apostasy in Spain,” in eds. Moshe Lazar and Stephen Haliczer, The Jews Of Spain and The Expulsion of 1492 (California: Labyrinthos, 1997), pp. 41-63.
  90. “Basic concepts in Rabbinic Hermeneutics,” Shofar 16, (1997), 1-12.
  91. “The Hebrew Species Concept and the Origin of Evolution: R. Benamozegh’s Response to Darwin,” Rassegna Mensile di Israel 63 (1997), 43-66.
  92. “Le Juif unidimensional et le degré zéro du judaism,” Pardès 25 (1998), pp. 113-127. Longer English version: “One-Dimensional Jew, Zero-Dimensional Judaism,” Annual of Rabbinic Judaism, II (1999), pp. 31-50.
  93. “Ve-Nishu Hakhme Ummot ha-‘Olam et Hakhme Yisrael,” in eds. Chief Justice of Israel Supreme Court Aharon Barak and Professor Menashe Shawa, Minha Le-Yishaq (Jerusalem: Lishkat ‘Orkhe-Din, 1999), pp. 113-133.
  94. “Jews, Conversos, and Native Americans: The Iberian Experience,” Annual of Rabbinic Judaism III (2000), pp. 95-121.
  95. “Don Quichotte: un talmudiste au passé souillé,” Pardes 29 (2000), 159-168. Enlarged English version: “Don Quixote: Talmudist and mucho más,” The Review of Rabbinic Judaism 4 (2001), 139-157.
  96. “Performative and Descriptive Utterances in Jewish Law” (Heb.). In ed. Arye Edrei, Studies in Jewish Law in Honor of Professor Aaron Kirschenbaum (Dine Israel 20-21, 5760-5761), pp. 101-121.
  97. “Retórica y hemenéutica: Vico y la tradición rabínica,” in ed. E. Hidalgo-Serna, et al, Pensar Para el Nuevo Siglo, vol. 3 (Napoli: La Cittá del Sole, 2001), pp. 917-938.
  98. “El pensamiento Sefardí frente a la ilustración Europea,” in ed. Judit Targarona Borrás et al, Pensamiento y Mística Hispanojudía y Sefardí (Cuenca: Ediciones de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha), pp. 323-338.
  99. “Of Cultural Intimidation and Other Miscellanea: Bar-Sheshakh vs. Raba,” Review of Rabbinic Judaism 5 (2002), 34-50.
  100. “Esoteric Knowledge and the Vulgar,” Trumah 12 (2002), 183-191.
  101. “Anti-Maimonidean Demons,” Review of Rabbinic Judaism 6 (2003), pp. 3-52.
  102. “Newton, Maimonidean,” Review of Rabbinic Judaism 6 (2003), 215-249.
  103. “Sir Isaac Newton—‘a Judaic monotheist of the school of Maimonides,’” in ed. Gorge K. Hasselhoff and Otfried Fraisse, Moises Maimonides (Germany: Ergon Verlag, 2004), pp. 289-309.
  104. “The Status of Jewish Real Estate outside Israel’s Territory,” (Heb.), Law Review Netanya Academic College, vol. 4, 2005 (in Honour of  Prof. Avner H. Shaki ), pp. 743-791.
  105. “Alphabetic Memory,” Mentalities 19 (2005), pp. 21-25.
  106. “On Martyrdom in Jewis Law: Maimonides and Nahmanides,” (Heb.), Annual of Bar-Ilan University,30-13, 2006 (In Memory of Prof. Meyer Simcha Feldbloom), pp. 373-408.


Book Reviews

  1. “Sefer Ha-Yobel Li-khbod Professor Baron: Heleq Ha-‘Ibri,” Ha-Doar  54 (1975), 511-512.
  2. “Sefer Ha-Yobel Li-khbod Professor Baron: Heleq Ha-Lo‘azi,” Ha-Doar  54 (1975), 567-568.
  3. “Monotheism and Magic,” Midstream Aug./Sept., 1980, 54-57.
  4. Francisco Sánchez. That Nothing is Known (Quod nihil scitur). Introduction, notes, and bibliography by Elaine Limbrick. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1988. New Vico Studies 8 (1990), 104-106.
  5. The Theology of the Oral Torah: Revealing the Justice of God, by Jacob Neusner. Conservative Judaism 53 (2000), pp. 90-92.
  6. A Creative Exposition of Halakhah: Jacob Neusner’s  Encyclopedia of the Law of Judaism. Reviews in Religion and Theology 8 (2001), pp. 3-5. Reprinted in Review of Rabbinic Judaism 5 (2002), 126-128.
  7. Genesis’ Numerology:Meir Bar-Ilan. Review of Rabbinic Judaism 7 (2004), 295-298.